• Share your special moment with your friends. Click the Add button to create an
album, choose photos or videos you would love to share.
• View it in grids, cover flow or in full screen.
• Create your own card: Create your own wedding card and send them with different
IM likes Facebook, LINE, WhatsApp, etc. Newlywed will receive a Push Notification
when they registered on the website.
• Choose existing card- You can also import your wonderful wedding card from your
photo album.
• Organize your guests: You can easily arrange their seats after they registered and rearrange it anytime.
• Add new guest: You can even add guests instantly when they had arrived the signing table.
• Check-in: Instant check-in system to put guest into the pool for raffle.
• Export the guest list to Excel for your own better organize.
• You are on the list to win the big surprises arranged by newlywed. Once you are
checked in and your will be on listed automatically.